OneSD™ technology for sail data broadcast

Alongside the introduction of 4T FORTE™ sails, OneSails are the first sailmaker in the world to deliver sails with an electronic chip encapsulated in the membrane as standard.
The OneSD™ microchip will carry data which will help the end user and the OneSails network identify and monitor the sail over the course of its life. Simply place a suitable device next to the chip to read the recorded identifier and design data.

Currently is a tool used internally among the OneSails Lofts, but a PRO version of the OneSD™ chip will be introduced soon, providing important features for the owner. 
The possibilities will be many: real-time recording of sail activity when connected to onboard systems, measurement of hours of UV exposure or the number of turns and gybes made. Everything will be recorded with the goal of keeping track of usage and improving sail performance and ownership experience.

Alongside the introduction of 4T FORTE™ sails, OneSails are the first sailmaker in the world to deliver sails with an electronic chip encapsulated in the membrane as standard.
The OneSD™ microchip will carry data which will help the end user and the OneSails network identify and monitor the sail over the course of its life. Simply place a suitable device next to the chip to read the recorded identifier and design data.

A PRO version of the OneSD™ chip will shortly be introduced which will allow real-time recording of the sail’s activity when linked to onboard systems. There are many possibilities, from hours exposed to UV, to the number of tacks and gybes experienced – all recorded with the aim of improving sail performance and the ownership experience.

Why Choose OneSails

1. Exclusive Technology

For over 15 years the OneSails design team have developed exclusive technologies to make one-piece continuous thread sails a reality for cruising and racing boats.

2. Performance

Features like weight, shape control and deformation resistance means better performance compared to traditional panelled sails.

3. Quality

Sails are designed and manufactured to the very highest standards from carefully selected components to ensure the very highest quality and durability. 4T FORTE™ membranes are exclusively made in Italy. All the assembly process is completely made in a unique factory ensuring the meeting of all the required standards.

4. Design

The best sail shapes are the result of continuous analysis and experience. OneSails is at the forefront of the sailmaking industry, continually investing in research and development to ensure that the very best sail shapes are available. The success of this approach is confirmed by the vast array of racing trophies OneSails clients have won, competing at National, International and World Championship level.

5. Service

A core activity for every OneSails Loft is providing first class service, support and assistance. As part of our service commitment, each OneSails Loft has a team of experts on hand to ensure that we can deliver on our service pledge. In addition to a growing number of principle lofts, the OneSails Group has an extensive network of service centres strategically placed worldwide’s coast line.

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